Midnite Mausoleum Shlocktoberfest 2 - double feature bluray

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Midnite Mausoleum Shlocktoberfest 2 - double feature bluray

MIDNITE MAUSOLEUM Shlocktoberfest Volume 2 bluray

New 2021 episodes to celebrate the greatest of all seasons !

2 complete episodes of one of America's longest running female television horror hosts ! Come join Marlena Midnite and her friends as they bring you 2 of the "Shlockiest" features to grace the big (and small) screen.
The Devil Bat (Unaired episode)and Yongary - Monster From The Deep !

Due to a scheduling SNAFU the Episode for The Devil Bat never aired or streamed and is ONLY AVAILABLE ON THE BLURAY !

+ Outtakes and Bloopers from the tapining of the last 4 Shlocktoberfest Episodes.

Midnite Mausoleum in beautiful 1080 HD and Dolby AC-3 Pro audio (movies themselves are up-rezzed from 720 and are about the condition you expect for their age...)